Three Tips for Building an Art Collection

Three Tips for Building an Art Collection

Three Tips for Building an Art Collection Collecting art is more than acquiring interesting objects; it’s a way to make a statement through the pieces you choose, to express your individuality, and to support the art community. It’s about aligning with the vision you...
Chat with Artist Bob “Omar” Tunnoch

Chat with Artist Bob “Omar” Tunnoch

Canadian Artist Bob “Omar” Tunnoch Chats About New Work, Life During Pandemic, Music and More FOR THOSE WHO PREFER TO READ: TR: So excited to introduce you to a man who’s won multiple awards for his visual art. He is a musician and a two-time Juno...
Authenticity Deficit in a Digital Culture

Authenticity Deficit in a Digital Culture

Social Expression: Authenticity Deficit in a Digital Culture How is social media similar to the bible?  “Counterfeiter”, painted by Canadian artist Steven Volpe uses allegory to interpret our authenticity deficit.  Relationships are made between the cross and...